Very cracked. His blog is here, go see for yourself. It was a major inspiration for this wiki!

Favorite technical posts

Posts I contributed to!


Favorite non-technical posts

Posts I contributed to!

  • Oct 19, 2022: Travel Recommendations for Novelty-Seekers Like Me (Live Post)
    • This dude has seen the world, his recs are incredible
    • I have contributed here in the sense that I was with him at some of these recs?
  • Apr 19, 2023: Thinks for Recovering Hoarders Like Me (Live Post)
    • Living with Aayush for a few years significantly increased my consumerism. He just sets such a high upper bound on how many trinkets you can get


  • Nov 24, 2022: Movie Recommendations for Puzzle-Lovers Like Me (Live Post)
    • Aayush and I took a film class together to get more into films. It was wildly successful for him. I still watch ~5 movies a year. I’m working on it
  • Oct 17, 2023: The Future of Open Education at MIT/Harvard
    • Some really cool side-project work (Aayush has many insane side projects) to bootstrap more free college content online compared to OCW’s snail pace