As of July 2024. View a curated selection of past technical projects here: Selected past projects

Backpocket(March ‘24 to present)

  • Multi-player vault, storing your data and social graph
  • Primarily built around sending/receiving queries on other people’s data
  • Built out MVPs using contacts and travel PSI
  • Using MP-FHE built by Gauss Labs

Cursive (February ‘24 to present)

  • Working on making signed data more powerful, focused on data ownership and authenticity
  • Focused on tangibility (NFC cards), beautifully designed apps, and accessibility
  • Focused on using MPC for discoverability/recommendations across self-sovereign social graphs

Data guilds (July ‘23 to present)

  • Joint work with yush and Lily Jordan
  • Using ZK to take back data ownership & ad revenue in a privacy-preserving and public goods-oriented way
  • Looking for collaborators and aligned funding!

NFC to digitize in-person interactions (May ‘23 to present)