Very cracked. Here’s a WIP list of important ZK and CG things that Barry is inventor, co-inventor, or major supporter of:

  • Semaphore
  • RLN
  • UniRep
  • MACI
    • Vitalik originally proposed here
    • But Barry did the first implementation and PSE supports the current production instance
  • zk-Rollups
    • The primary method by which Ethereum will scale to do any interesting computation, and the only PMF that applied ZK has found (so far)
  • zkEVMs
    • Rolling up an entire EVM inside a ZK proof, absolute madness at the time but actually became a reality
    • PSE supports the main open-source Type-1 zkEVM implementation
      • I believe Scroll has based part of their implementation on this public good, as well as contributing back
  • Baby jubjub
    • He was the person who suggested we switch to it for our NFC experiments, changing the course of our projects and what we could prove efficiently
  • Lookup singularity
    • I initially thought this was the silliest idea ever LOL but I was completely wrong
    • Helped inspire Lasso, one of the most promising lookup tools available to ZK today
  • PSE
    • Barry is the team lead of Privacy & Scaling Explorations, a group at the Ethereum Foundation